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Marius Oberholster Hey! I'm having an incredible learning experience, not only learning how Blender works (yes, still learning), but also about Open-Source and the incredible software available. Stick around!

The Alternates

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 Under: General
Hey all!

Image by digital designer from Pixabay

I have come across a situation that I'm really not used to, but seems to be a common thing - a lot more common than you'd think.

About a year ago, I joined instagram. Fairly early on, I came across an account for freelancers and he spoke about objections and a few other things, related to price. He advised coming up with some kind of discount to get a project done, if they don't have experience with something specific.

In addition, I've also seen a lot of issues in the voice over industry, related to budget, undercutting and the damage it does to an industry that is currently, understandably concerned about AI and the absolute flood of new comers that are desperate to make a name.

These two, and some other situations, have led to a conclusion - expand your service range.

3D, as I do it, is considered the most expensive form of animation. I didn't pick it for that reason - it just worked out that way. I only found that out long after having been doing it for years (personal projects, learning, growing, etc.), hahaha. This presents you with a problem - budget!

Most people that come to you, WILL NOT be able to afford a pixar style full 3D animation, unless you absolutely and grossly undercut the value. I tend to charge based on complexity, time it will take, and the sheer volume of work.

So what can we do as people who specialize in the full 3D goodness that is NPR?

Like I said earlier, diversify! Expand your service range!

I recently saw a little animation that is attached to the rigging of that Total Drama Island style of animation, where you rig a paper puppet in 3D space and that is your "model". Still requires rigging and animation, but it WILL go much faster than traditional 3D, depending on complexity. Backgrounds can also be simpler.

That is something I want to add to my arsenal. While I am FULLY confident I can make such an animation out of the gates, using tutorials, I have nothing to show clients except my full 3D animations - they and I know that it is not the same.

This is not your only options for animation though:
 - Traditional Cel animation with the grease pencil
 - Pop-up book pans

For the above, you HAVE to be able to draw well or have some dummy models available for you to draw over. Even for the puppet style you have to be able to draw well, since a lot of it will require you to draw shapes by hand for turn-arounds. You can convert 3D models to these 2D, but then you kinda lose the point of a lower budget accommodation, hehe.

In short:
 - If you're offering in animation isn't very broad, diversify to help your clients and yourself
 - Learn the skills you need to (goes without saying, but also kinda not)
 - Make a few real-life projects to demonstrate that you know what you're doing in the medium, so your clients can have peace of mind!

So where's mine?

You'll definitely see it when I have it done, that you can be sure of!

In the meantime!
I started expanding on CGTrader too!
 - I have models
 - I have filters
 - I have tutorial files up (WHA'!!!??)
 - Shaders (again, WHA'!!!!??) lol

No joke! Two up so far on the tutorial files:

For shaders, I have only a few, but I already have some other really awesome things basically done:

Shockingly, I have not yet uploaded my NPR shaders to CGT, although they are included in most purchases, cause NPR:

So please, consider your clients' needs and resources will differ between each job and I want you to be able to accommodate them, without them compromising on quality and without you undercutting yourself and your industry! Everyone truly can win in these things - I know they don't always, but you can do something to improve your conversion rate and up the amount of happy clients!

DO IT! hehe.

Have a super day!!
GOD bless you!! :D

Oh yeah, you can see that video I was talking about here:

Yeah, you don't need the sound.

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