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Marius Oberholster Hey! I'm having an incredible learning experience, not only learning how Blender works (yes, still learning), but also about Open-Source and the incredible software available. Stick around!

A different solution

Posted by Marius Oberholster on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Under: General
Hey all!

I've done many tutorials over the years - roughly 60+. That's nothing to snuff at, hehehe. It takes many many many many hours of work just to make one, and we're not even talking about the actual recording and editing part!

Over the years, I've gotten requests to make the files available for download, which I had an issue with at the time, for many reasons, but one was that I had no stable way of sharing the files. That, and I take a VERY long time to make a decision on something, but I feel it's usually a much more quality decision, so I'm kinda okay with that, and I'm even more okay with the increase in the speed with which I make decisions these days! It's really great!!! Praise GOD!

NOW, the point of this post is this - Blender has gone through some seriously significant updates over the time I've been learning blender and making videos, which means an overwhelming majority of my videos are, what I would call, out of date. The render engine is no longer supported and I can't expect everyone to be an advanced user and figure it out, SO, I really feel like the LORD gave me a wonderful solution - CGTrader!

Blender Render is still available and believe it or not, I actually used it the other day - little over a week ago! BUT, most of you, if not all of you, have started Blender with Eevee or you just want to continue on with Cycles or eevee and that means you're kinda stuck up the creek without a paddle, when it comes to the vast wealth of knowledge still available that is still centered around Blender render.

The CGT solution, brings the best of both worlds - you still get to check out the Blender Render video (stays free), you get the blender render project file(s) and you get an updated and sometimes enhanced Eevee version, built from the exact same tutorial project and or examples, for a small fee to help me and you.

I've shared this with a user in the comment section, that I simply can no longer afford to give everything away for free, as much as I love to do so... Be that as it may, I'm not taking down the free stuff and I hope to still upload plenty of free stuff as well!

Below, I have links to free stuff and of course, my CGTrader where you can find what tutorials I have updated versions of available so far - do note that not all tutorials work for this format, because they are about features or limitations, not rendering, so they are still relevant as is, the issues have been fixed or we're still waiting on feature parity with Eevee (like the vector pass, which I'm not sure if it's supported already).

Free stuff:
 - Pixabay:

 - Nodegroups download:

 - NPR Shaders:

 - Blendswap


I'm sorry to say that I simply cannot redo all my old videos to make it all work for the newer versions of Blender - it's just not practical and for those who have asked - I really really do appreciate that you asked! Never lose the boldness to ask!!

I hope the new solution is good for you guys - it's deliberately cheap to make it affordable for most people, so as not to exclude people on purpose.

Thank you to everyone who watched my videos and to those who have purchased the project files - you all rock!!!

I do want to add though - I made a video a while back, to explain the bridge between engines in Blender and how you can potentially approach that issue, so of course, I invite everyone to check that out here!

Interpreting a Tutorial!

That opening is so freakin' goofy! I still crack every time I hear it, hahaha!

Have a super day!!
GOD bless you!!

PS, I am uploading as fast as possible, tutorial files, models, tools, etc.

In : General 

Tags: god  jesus  holy spirit  learn  tutorials  cgt  cgtrader  help  best  both  worlds  free  fee 
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